
Old Rosebud


Old Rosebud was the first distillery to make the marketing
connection to the whiskeries made famous by the discovery
of the Flying Ebony brand of weird new petroleum. So much
whiskey was drunk in celebration of Zev Mac Arganbright’s
discovery of peat bog petroleum that even until this day,
there has not been a surge in whiskey consumption to match
the number of barrels consummed in a period of that year.
It was an abundant year and the Rosebud distillery offered
the pocketable flask free with the purchase of two quart
bottles of the famous Old Rosebud said to have been made
with a secret ingredient that has never been revealed.


The Derby dig continues on the backside of Churchill Downs
after having been halted by a court order under the intent of
prohibiting the possible distubance to the day to day tasks of
the participants of the famous race that has taken place every
year with out disruption since 1875. The judges argument
was that the race must go on unimpedded so that meant that
any digging in the area had to halt for the protection of the
Thoroughbreds. The crew felt certain that they had nearly
unearthed the part of the story that would divulge the winner
of the one-hundred-thirty-fifth running of the Kentucky Derby.


It turns out that the judge who issued the papers to stop the
information gathering is a direct decendant of judge Himes,
who was responsible for Lieutenant Gibson’s incarceration
back in the 1860’s. As the dig continues, the promise of
gleening more Derby winner names grows. With the careful
separation of partchment from soil comes the ever so close
connection with the past history of Fonso and the discovery
of the future Derby winners through his story. If it hadn’t
been for Fonso’s undying commitment to journaling his
quest for the answers he sought through the persuit of his
beloved antiquities we might not have had this unique
glimpse into the past to view the future Derby winners
in such a bizarre way.

The team continues to unearth the answers.

The latest decifering of information follows immediately
the repeat of the previously discovered text...


It was about that time, Lil E. Tee118 the great grand
daughter of Captain Moses, the venerated sea hero119
who in a pinch would go for gin120 when under pressure
suddenly announced that there would be no more drink.
When pressured once at Thunder Gulch,121 the old sea
captain put his nose to the grindstone122 and produced
a silver charm123 that he presented to the city one
holiday season in though a real quiet124 but nonetheless
charismatic125 presentation. The charm was a sort of dark
purple Fusaichi Pegasus,126 an almost monarchos127 like
war emblem128 that caused all to rethink their response.
It was as if everyone had taken a funny cide129 to calm
their response. They didn’t want to be wise guys and it
was about the time Smarty Jones130 got a threatening
note from Boss Giacomo131suggesting he stay out of
the Barbaro.132

It didn’t take much street sense133 to know what that meant.v
It would be a long time before the situation...


It would be a long time before the situation of Fonso’s incident
with the woodpecker would be forgotten. At six bells on a glorious
Saturday morning, he had decided to persue the elucive piliated
woodpecker up the redwood tree and before he knew it, the attack had
rendered him sightless in the right eye. At eight bells he was said
to have claimed “...the big brown134 (explitive deleated) beak of that
beautiful devil pecked the sight right out of me.” His only...



Here we are stopped by the rages of time against the story of Fonso.

The team will alert us with any new information as they seek more on
the grounds of the trod upon backside of the most legenday racetrace
in the world.

